Management of ingrown toenails

Ingrown toenails are the pits. So are corns, callouses and warts. They can be particularly concerning when you don’t know what they are, how they appeared, and how to fix them. The good news is, our team at MEDI PEDI are highly experienced in the assessment and diagnoses of all skin and nail problems, and we are particularly skilled in the gentle removal of corns and ingrown toenails. Do you want to eliminate your ingrown toenail problem permanently? Ask about our toenail surgery option that leaves you with an attractive* nail, without the constant pain and problems.

See Sigrid, Andrew or Alice today for the efficient and effective treatment of thickened, fungal, infected and ingrown toenails as well as corns, callouses and warts. We accept EPC plans and offer health fund rebates.


Professional ingrown toenail removal
Sore toenail removal